Fighting Fit Physiotherapy Nerang Gold Coast
Telehealth services

Benefits of Telehealth: 5 Advantages You Didn’t Know

As the medical world continues to adapt to the ever-changing world of technology, it is becoming increasingly clear that there are many benefits associated with telehealth. Telehealth refers to the use of telecommunications and digital information to provide healthcare services remotely. 

Commonly used within primary care settings, telehealth can provide a viable alternative for those who cannot physically visit a doctor’s office or hospital due to circumstances such as geographic barriers, chronic illnesses, or disability. 

In addition to providing convenience and better access for many patients, there are also several lesser-known advantages associated with this revolutionary form of healthcare delivery.

Read on as we dive into five potential benefits you may not have considered when considering using telehealth services!

1. Improved Accessibility

Telehealth has revolutionised the way patients receive healthcare. With improved accessibility, patients now have the opportunity to access quality care from wherever they are, without having to leave their homes. 

The convenience of this technology can greatly benefit patients with mobility issues, those living in remote areas, or simply those who prefer to skip the waiting room. Gone are the days of long commutes, crowded waiting rooms, and scheduling conflicts. Telehealth makes healthcare services accessible to everyone, especially during times when leaving the house isn’t always an option. 

The ability to receive care from the comfort of their own homes means patients can focus on getting better, rather than worrying about how to get to their appointment. Improved accessibility through telehealth is a step towards making healthcare more convenient, efficient, and overall, more accessible.

2. Increased Convenience

The convenience that telehealth offers is truly a game changer. Think about it – no more wasting precious time and gas money on long drives to the doctor’s office, only to be stuck in a crowded waiting room filled with sick patients. With telehealth, appointments can take place with just a few clicks on your computer or smartphone. 

Through video conferencing technology, you can connect with your healthcare provider in the comfort of your own home, without the hassle of traffic or finding parking. This increased convenience is time-efficient, cost-effective, and improves accessibility to healthcare services. So next time you have a consultation or check-up, consider opting for a telehealth appointment – your time and health are worth it.

3. Cost Savings

In a world where time is money, it’s always great news when a solution comes along that saves us time and helps us keep cash in our pockets. Enter telehealth visits, the latest innovation in healthcare technology that’s helping patients and providers save time and money. 

With telehealth, you no longer have to make the trek to the doctor’s office for routine check-ups and minor ailments. Instead, you can have a face-to-face consultation with your healthcare provider from the comfort of your own home, saving yourself the cost of transportation and time away from work. 

Plus, telehealth visits are often less expensive than traditional office visits, so you’re not only saving time but also saving money and precious resources. It’s a win-win all around!

4. Time Efficiency

Maximising time efficiency is a vital component in any medical facility. With telehealth, this process is streamlined significantly, resulting in better patient care. Without the limitations of physical appointments, scheduling is made easy, and waiting times are drastically reduced. 

It means physicians and staff are now able to see more patients in a shorter amount of time, leading to less time wasted and a more productive workflow. The benefits of telehealth are endless, and its role in reducing patient wait times and improving overall care outcomes cannot be overstated.

5. Comprehensive Care

Telehealth technology has revolutionised the healthcare industry by providing doctors and other healthcare professionals with real-time data on their patients’ health. This data includes a wide variety of important information, including health trends, conditions, and medical history. 

It is crucial to develop a comprehensive treatment plan that’s tailored to the individual needs of each patient and can lead to improved outcomes. With telehealth, doctors can monitor patients remotely, providing prompt and efficient care, even from a distance. 

This innovative technology has made it possible to reach patients in remote areas, enabling them to access top-quality medical care they wouldn’t have otherwise received. The possibilities offered by telehealth technology are endless, and its impact on the healthcare industry is truly transformative.

In Conclusion

Telehealth improves patient access to healthcare and provides much sought-after convenience for physicians and patients alike. It saves everyone money and time while allowing for comprehensive care through real-time data collection critical to developing tailored treatment plans. 

Telehealth is a growing industry; with more providers offering this service every day, we must act now to fully capitalise on all of its beneficial offerings. We invite you to become part of this momentous movement and join us in our mission to continue pushing forward the evolution of modern healthcare!

About Us

If you are looking for a certified and reliable physiotherapy clinic in Nerang, you don’t need to look further than Fighting Fit Physiotherapy. We are a team of professional practitioners specialising in physiotherapy, exercise physiology, strength and conditioning.

We have both strength & conditioning coaching for athletes and use the principles of strength and conditioning training to improve our patient’s physical preparation for everyday life and return them to their peak following injury!

We take pride in providing our patients with the best care to help them achieve their fitness goals.

You can reach us at 0402 938 661 or fill out our contact form to know more about what we do.

Book an appointment today to start your recovery and fitness journey with us. 

Athlete doing strength training

The Importance of Strength and Conditioning for Specialised Athletes

No matter what your sport of choice is, whether it’s running a marathon, going for gold in the Olympics or dominating on the football field, strength and conditioning training should be an essential part of every specialised athlete’s routine. 

From faster foot speed to improved endurance to increased power output—strength and conditioning can help any athlete become the very best version of themselves. 

Strength training has numerous benefits that make it appealing; it provides coordination between muscles along with an abundance of physical health benefits as well as mental ones!

In this blog post, we will discuss why strength and conditioning for specialised athletes are so important and how having a proper program that includes these activities can benefit everyone from beginners up to pro-level competitors.

Understanding the Basics of Strength and Conditioning for Specialised Athletes

For athletes in specialised sports, such as gymnastics or powerlifting, having a strong and conditioned body is essential to success. Understanding the basics of strength and conditioning can provide these athletes with the tools they need to reach their full potential. 

Strength training involves using resistance to build muscle and increase overall strength, while conditioning focuses on proper cardiovascular health and endurance.

Combining these two practices can lead to increased performance on the field, in the gym, or on the court. Proper nutrition also plays a significant role in an athlete’s success, providing the body with the fuel needed to perform at their best.

By focusing on the basics of strength and conditioning, specialised athletes can achieve their goals and take their sports to the next level.

Building Strength to Enhance Performance for Specialised Athletes

Specialised athletes who want to enhance their performance must focus on building strength to reach their goals. Whether it’s endurance, power, or speed, strength training should be a crucial part of any athlete’s training regimen. Resistance training can help increase muscular strength, improve joint stability, and reduce the risk of injury. Additionally, strength training can help athletes maintain a healthy weight, which is essential for optimal performance. 

A well-designed strength training program can provide immense benefits to athletes of all levels. By focusing on building strength, athletes can improve their overall performance and achieve their full potential in their respective sports.

The Benefits of Strength and Conditioning Training

Strength and conditioning training offers numerous benefits to specialised athletes. These benefits extend beyond merely improving athletic performance and fostering overall health and wellness.

  1. Improved Athletic Performance: A well-structured strength and conditioning program can boost an athlete’s power, speed, endurance, and agility. These improved physical attributes can enhance performance in various sports activities.
  2. Injury Prevention: Regular strength and conditioning training strengthens the body’s tendons, ligaments, and muscles, reducing the risk of injuries during athletic performances.
  3. Enhanced Metabolism: This form of training is effective in boosting the metabolic rate, which can aid in maintaining a healthy weight and body composition, crucial for optimal athletic performance.
  4. Better Coordination and Balance: Through various strength and conditioning exercises, athletes can improve their body coordination and balance, critical for many sports.
  5. Mental Toughness and Focus: The disciplined routine associated with strength and conditioning training can help athletes build mental strength, which is often as important as physical strength in competitive sports.
  6. Increased Longevity in Sports: Regular strength and conditioning training can help extend an athlete’s career by keeping them fit and reducing injury risks, allowing them to compete effectively for longer periods.
  7. Improved Recovery Rates: Athletes who undergo regular strength training often experience better recovery rates post-performance, which is crucial for maintaining peak performance levels in competitive sports.
  8. In essence, strength and conditioning training is an integral component of an athlete’s training regimen, significantly contributing to their success and longevity in sports.
  9. Strategies for Structuring a Strength and Conditioning Program

Creating an effective strength and conditioning program for specialised athletes involves a strategic approach that considers the specific needs and goals of the athlete. Here are some strategies to consider:

  1. Assessment and Goal Setting: The first step in creating a strength and conditioning program should be an assessment of the athlete’s current fitness level and performance abilities. Establishing clear goals based on this assessment is crucial for measuring progress and maintaining motivation.
  2. Individualisation: Strength and conditioning programs should be tailored to each athlete’s specific needs, taking into account their sport, position, current physical condition, and performance goals.
  3. Balance: An ideal program should include a mix of both strength training and cardiovascular conditioning. The ratio of these components can be adjusted based on the athlete’s individual needs and sport-specific demands.
  4. Progressive Overload: To encourage continuous improvement, the program should gradually increase the intensity, volume, or complexity of the exercises.
  5. Recovery: Incorporating adequate rest and recovery periods into the program is critical to prevent overtraining and promote muscle regeneration.
  6. Nutritional Guidance: Proper nutrition is an integral part of any strength and conditioning program. Athletes should receive guidance on a balanced diet that supports their training regimen and performance goals.
  7. Regular Monitoring and Adjustment: Regularly evaluate the athlete’s progress and adjust the program as necessary, considering factors such as performance improvements, feedback from the athlete, and changes in goals or circumstances.

By incorporating these strategies into a strength and conditioning program, specialised athletes can effectively enhance their performance, reduce injury risks, and achieve their sporting goals.

Avoiding Injury During Training for Specialised Athletes

Preventing injury is crucial for specialised athletes, as injuries can derail training, impede performance, and potentially end careers. Here are some strategies to prevent injury during training:

  1. Warm-Up and Cool-Down: Start every training session with a warm-up to prepare the body for exercise and end with a cool-down to help the body recover. It can increase flexibility and blood flow, reducing the risk of injuries.
  2. Proper Technique: Always use the correct form and technique during training. Incorrect techniques can put unnecessary stress on muscles and joints, leading to injuries.
  3. Listen to Your Body: Athletes should pay attention to their body’s signals. Pain, discomfort, or fatigue can indicate that the body needs rest, and ignoring these signs can lead to injuries.
  4. Regular Rest: Rest is an essential part of training that allows the body to recover, repair tissues, and build strength. Overtraining, without adequate rest, can lead to various injuries.
  5. Stay Hydrated: Staying hydrated can prevent muscle cramps and maintain the body’s general health, reducing the risk of injuries.
  6. Wear Appropriate Gear: Depending on the sport, using the right equipment (like shoes, protective gear, etc.) can significantly reduce the risk of injury.

By applying these strategies, specialised athletes can significantly minimise their risk of injury during training, allowing them to maintain a consistent training regime and reach their peak performance levels.

About Us

If you are looking for a certified and reliable physiotherapy clinic in Nerang, you don’t need to look further than Fighting Fit Physiotherapy. We are a team of professional practitioners specialising in physiotherapy, exercise physiology, strength and conditioning.

We have both strength & conditioning coaching for athletes and use the principles of strength and conditioning training to improve our patient’s physical preparation for everyday life and return them to their peak following injury!

We take pride in providing our patients with the best care to help them achieve their fitness goals.

You can reach us at 0402 938 661 or fill out our contact form to know more about what we do.

Book an appointment today to start your recovery and fitness journey with us. 

Strength and conditioning training

What is Strength & Conditioning Training?

Strength and Conditioning Training, often mentioned in the world of fitness and sport, is a discipline designed to improve performance.

Whether you’re an elite athlete or someone seeking to enhance your performance in recreational pursuits, understanding this training can offer unique insights into achieving your goals.

In this blog, we will delve into what Strength and Conditioning Training entails, its benefits, and how it can help you reach your peak physical potential. Let’s demystify this vital aspect of physical development and fitness.

Overview of Strength & Conditioning Training

Strength and conditioning or S&C training is a bit of a buzz word at the moment. Many purport to “do strength & conditioning” or “S&C” .

We need to understand the differences.

Strength & Conditioning ‘Coaching’ – is done under a certified strength & conditioning coach. They have done additional training in exercise science and related courses to improve performance in sport.

A Strength and Conditioning Coach uses a mixture of scientific principles and the art of programming for preparing an athlete to perform at their peak. It is a deep understanding of the principles behind developing an athlete and enhancing performance in sport.

Now let’s talk Strength and Conditioning Training.

Many of the principles of strength and conditioning coaching can be used for the training of everyday person. Here is why the term strength and conditioning training has got it’s popularity.

This type of training involves a range of exercises that focus on developing physical ability like strength, power, agility, and speed.

If your are simply looking to improve your overall health and fitness, incorporating strength and conditioning training into your routine can help you achieve your physical goals.

With consistency and dedication, strength and conditioning training can help you reach new heights in your fitness journey.

Types of exercises used in Strength & Conditioning Training

When most people think of strength and conditioning training, they imagine buff athletes lifting weights and performing complicated workouts. While weightlifting is an essential component of this type of training, several different types of exercises are used. The most common ones include:

  1. Weightlifting: This includes exercises like deadlifts, squats, and bench presses. These exercises are excellent for building muscle mass and improving overall strength.
  2. Plyometrics: Exercises such as box jumps and burpees fall under this category. They help improve power, speed, and agility.
  3. Circuit Training: This involves a series of exercises performed one after the other with minimal rest in between. It’s great for endurance and cardiovascular health.
  4. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): This type of training involves short, intense bursts of exercise followed by brief recovery periods. HIIT is renowned for its ability to burn fat and improve aerobic capacity.
  5. Cardiovascular Exercises: Activities such as running, swimming, or cycling are key for improving heart health and endurance.
  6. Flexibility and Mobility Exercises: These could include stretches and yoga poses designed to enhance joint mobility and flexibility, aiding recovery and helping prevent injury.
  7. Functional Training: This involves exercises that mimic everyday activities to enhance balance, coordination, and strength. Examples include lunges, step-ups, and kettlebell swings.

By using a variety of exercises, trainers can help improve their clients’ strength, power, and overall fitness.

Benefits of Strength & Conditioning Training

Strength and conditioning training provides multiple benefits to those who practice it.

Here are some of the main advantages of this form of exercise:

  1. Improved muscle mass, strength, and power: Strength and conditioning training helps build muscle mass, improve muscle strength, and increase muscular power. It will help you perform better in any physical activity you undertake.
  2. Improved agility and speed: Plyometric exercises, HIIT training, and other dynamic workouts can help boost your agility and speed. It will come in handy if you’re looking to move faster.
  3. Reduced risk of injury: Strength training helps build strong muscles that are better able to support the body during physical activity, reducing the chances of getting injured. Conditioning improves physical capacity to do more. Perfect for people looking to build resilience and reduce day-to-day injuries or pain.
  4. Improved overall fitness: Strength and conditioning training, when done regularly, can help improve your general health and well-being. It can also aid in stress relief, increasing energy levels, and boosting metabolism.

Whether you’re a professional athlete or someone trying to stay fit and healthy, incorporating strength and conditioning training into your workout routine can provide numerous benefits. By understanding this type of training and staying consistent with your workouts, you can reach new heights in physical development and fitness.

How to incorporate Strength & Conditioning into your exercise routine

Incorporating strength and conditioning into your workout routine is not as daunting as it might seem. By following these simple steps, you can seamlessly integrate this training style into your regimen:

  1. Set Clear Goals: Before starting any new training regimen, it’s important to have clear fitness goals in mind. Do you want to build muscle, increase endurance, improve mobility, or a combination of these? Your goals will guide the type of exercises you incorporate into your workouts.
  2. Seek Professional Guidance: Consult a certified coach. They can guide you through the appropriate exercises and ensure that you’re performing them correctly to avoid injury.
  3. Start Slowly: Don’t rush into intense workouts from the get-go. Gradually increase the intensity of your workouts as your strength and endurance improve.
  4. Diversify Your Workouts: Include a variety of exercises in your routine, from weightlifting to plyometrics, to target different muscle groups and prevent boredom.
  5. Prioritize Recovery: Rest and recovery are paramount in any fitness regime. This includes getting adequate sleep, eating a balanced diet, and incorporating flexibility and mobility exercises into your routine.
  6. Be Consistent: Consistency is key to seeing results. Make a schedule and stick to it, even on days when you might not feel like working out.

Remember, every fitness journey is different and what works for one person may not work for another. Stay patient, focus on your progress, and you’ll soon start to see the benefits of your efforts.

Common mistakes when doing Strength & Conditioning Training

Strength and conditioning training is a fantastic way to improve your overall fitness and achieve your fitness goals. However, it’s important to know the common mistakes that people make when doing this type of training.

One of the biggest mistakes is not warming up properly before starting your workout. Another common mistake is lifting too much weight or doing too many repetitions when your body is not conditioned to them. This can result in injury or muscle strain.

Additionally, not giving your body enough rest and recovery time can hinder your progress and even lead to over reaching and overtraining.

By avoiding these mistakes and taking a measured approach to your training, you can maximise your results and stay injury-free.

About Us

If you are looking for a certified and reliable strength and conditioning physiotherapy clinic in Nerang, you don’t need to look further than Fighting Fit Physiotherapy. We are a team of professional practitioners specialising in physiotherapy, exercise physiology, DVA physiotherapy, and strength and conditioning.

We have both strength & conditioning coaching for athletes and use the priciples of strength and conditioning training to improve our patients physical preparation for everyday life and return them to their peak following injury!

We take pride in providing our patients with the best care to help them achieve their fitness goals.

You can reach us at 0402 938 661 or fill out our contact form to know more about what we do.

Book an appointment today to start your recovery and fitness journey with us.

Exercise Physiologist

5 Benefits of Working With an Exercise Physiologist

Are you looking for a healthier lifestyle?

Do you suffer chronic health issues such as heart and lung conditions, diabetes, stroke, hypertension or any other life changing disease?

Looking to perform better in your sport or just get more activity and exercise in your life?

Working with an exercise physiologist can be the key to helping you reach your goals!

Exercise physiologists specialise in assessing, designing and overseeing individualised programs that focus on improving physical performance.

They also help their clients achieve and maintain healthy lifestyles. By understanding how the body responds to exercise, exercise physiologists can create programs tailored specifically to each client’s needs.

This article will discuss five major benefits of working with an expert exercise physiologist that promotes health and fitness achievements. Get ready to reach new heights in physical performance today!

1. Improved Performance and Faster Results

Are you tired of hitting a plateau in your fitness routine? Maybe you need to see the progress that you want, or you’re feeling discouraged grinding out the wrong stuff. That’s where an exercise physiologist can make all the difference.

With their expertise, they can analyse your current fitness level, any underlying conditions impacting your body and create a customised plan to help you reach your goals faster than you ever thought possible.

Not only will they guide you through exercises that are tailored to your body’s needs, but they’ll also provide you with the knowledge, skills and support to make sustainable lifestyle changes.

Don’t settle for mediocre results when you could enlist the help of an exercise physiologist and achieve your best performance yet.

2. Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation

With exercise, safety should always be a top priority. That’s where exercise physiologists come in – these experts are trained to keep a watchful eye on your movements to ensure that you are performing exercises safely, correctly and effectively.

Whether you are just starting on your fitness journey or recovering from an injury, exercise physiologists can provide invaluable support and guidance to help you reach your goals without risking injury or re-injury.

With their help, you can maximise your workouts and minimise your risk of setbacks, so you can focus on achieving your best self.

3. Better Understanding of Your Body

When working out, many people struggle with understanding the best methods for their body. Fortunately, exercise physiologists exist to provide personalised feedback on everything from form to intensity level.

With their guidance, you can rest assured that you are getting the most out of your exercise routine. By customising your workouts to your individual needs, an exercise physiologist can help you avoid injury and achieve your fitness goals.

With their expertise, you can better understand your body and make the most of your workout time.

4. Develop Personalised Workouts

Are you tired of “one size fits all” or online “cookie cutter” workouts, plans or programs that don’t consider your specific needs and goals? Look no further than personalised workouts created by exercise physiologists.

These experts can design a plan that specifically caters to your fitness aspirations, considering everything from your current fitness level to any injuries, conditions or limitations you may have.

Whether you’re looking to stretch out tight muscles, build strength, or get your heart pumping with cardio, a personalised workout can help you achieve the results you desire.

So why settle for a generic routine when you can have a plan tailored to your individual needs?

5. Educating About Healthy Habits

When maintaining a healthy lifestyle, exercise is undoubtedly an essential aspect. But did you know that exercise physiologists can be incredibly beneficial in guiding you towards healthier habits and supporting your recovery?

These professionals are knowledgeable about nutrition and lifestyle choices that can help optimise your overall health outcomes. With their expertise, you can create a personalised plan that caters to your needs and helps you achieve your fitness goals.

From devising workout routines to recommending dietary changes, an exercise physiologist is your go-to person for all things health-related. So if you’re looking to lead a healthier life, seek out the help of an exercise physiologist and start your journey to better living today!

Why to Use an Exercise Physiologist

To sum things up, working with an exercise physiologist offers plenty of benefits and can be a great way to support your fitness journey. Exercise physiologists are knowledgeable professionals who specialise in helping individuals reach their physical fitness goals in healthier and more effective ways.

Investing in working with an exercise physiologist is a small price to pay compared to the amount of progress you will undoubtedly make along the way as you strive for a better understanding of yourself!

About Us

If you are looking for a certified and reliable physiotherapy clinic in Nerang, you don’t need to look further than Fighting Fit Physiotherapy. you don’t need to look further than Fighting Fit Physiotherapy. We are a team of professional practitioners specialising in physiotherapy, exercise physiology, metabolic testing, strength & conditioning, and more.

We take pride in providing our patients with the best care to help them achieve their fitness goals. To learn more about fit testing in Gold Coast, contact us at 0402 938 661 or fill out our contact form. Book an appointment today to start your recovery and fitness journey with us. 


Everything You Need To Know About Physiotherapy

Are you looking for a way to improve your body’s health and well-being? If so, physiotherapy could be the answer. It is an evidence-based practice that focuses on active movement, exercise, manual therapy, education, and lifestyle modifications to keep people healthy and enable them to achieve their fullest capabilities.

Physiotherapy can help restore movement after injury or illness as well as provide relief from chronic pain in both adults and children. Learn everything you need to know about physiotherapy including how it works, the benefits of treatment, who it’s suitable for, and more!

What is Physiotherapy and what does it do for you

Physiotherapy, also known as physical therapy, is a healthcare profession that focuses on restoring and maintaining physical function and mobility. It is a holistic approach to treating a range of conditions and injuries, from musculoskeletal problems to neurological disorders.

A physiotherapist will assess your condition, develop a personalised treatment plan, and provide hands-on care, education, and exercise programs to help you achieve your goals. This can include manual therapy, aquatic therapy, electrotherapy, and a variety of other techniques.

Whether you’re recovering from an injury, managing a chronic condition, or looking to improve your overall health and well-being, physiotherapy can help you improve your quality of life and achieve better physical function.

Benefits of Physiotherapy for your physical health and Well-being

Physiotherapy is an excellent tool to improve your physical health and well-being. By focusing on movement and exercise, physiotherapy can help with various issues, from chronic pain to injuries. In physiotherapy, healthcare professionals work with you to create an individualised plan that considers your unique needs and goals.

This can help you achieve better mobility, strength, and flexibility, and reduce your risk of future injuries. Physiotherapy can have a positive impact on mental health, as it can help reduce stress and improve overall mood.

Whether you’re an athlete recovering from an injury or just looking to improve your overall health, physiotherapy can be a crucial part of your journey to a healthier, happier life.

Types of treatments offered by physiotherapists

Physiotherapy can be a highly effective way to treat a wide range of physical conditions and injuries. Whether you have suffered a sports injury, are recovering from surgery, or have a chronic condition such as arthritis, physiotherapists can offer a range of treatments to help you get back to your best.

Some treatments that may be offered by physiotherapists include manual therapy, exercise therapy, electrotherapy, and acupuncture. They can tailor each of these treatments to your specific needs and goals, helping you to regain your strength, mobility, and overall quality of life.

So if you’re looking for a natural, non-invasive way to manage your physical health, physiotherapy may be just what you need.

Common conditions and injuries that respond well to physiotherapy treatments

Physiotherapy is physical therapy that uses exercise, manual therapy, and other techniques to treat a variety of conditions and injuries. While it can address a wide range of health issues, certain conditions and injuries respond particularly well to physiotherapy treatments.

These may include chronic pain, such as back or neck pain, and joint and muscle injuries, such as those sustained during sports or other physical activities. Physiotherapy can also be beneficial for individuals recovering from surgery or those with neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease.

By addressing the underlying causes of these conditions and developing customised treatment plans, physiotherapy can help individuals regain mobility, reduce pain, and improve overall quality of life.

Tips to find the right physiotherapist for you

Finding the right physiotherapist for your specific needs can be a daunting task. You want to ensure you’re working with someone knowledgeable, empathetic and has your best interests at heart. The first step is to research and ask friends or family for recommendations.

Once you have a list of potential physiotherapists, check their credentials and experience. It’s also important to consider their communication style and personality, as this will impact your overall experience and success of the treatment.

Don’t be afraid to schedule a consultation or ask questions before committing to a therapist. Remember, finding the right physiotherapist is crucial to your recovery and long-term health.

How to make the most out of your physiotherapy sessions

Physiotherapy can be a valuable tool in helping individuals regain movement and function after an injury or illness. However, simply attending sessions may not be enough to ensure the best possible outcome.

To truly make the most out of your physiotherapy sessions, it’s important to communicate openly with your therapist, set achievable goals, and put in extra effort outside of appointments. By actively participating in your recovery, you can optimise your progress and get back to doing the things you love faster.

Remember, physiotherapy is a collaborative effort between you and your therapist, so don’t be afraid to speak up and take control of your rehabilitation.

About us

If you are looking for a certified and reliable strength and conditioning physiotherapy clinic in Nerang, you don’t need to look further than Fighting Fit Physiotherapy. We are a team of professional practitioners specialising in physiotherapy, exercise physiology, strength and conditioning, and more. We take pride in providing our patients with the best care to help them achieve their fitness goals. You can reach us at 0402 938 661 or fill out our contact form to know more about what we do. Book an appointment today to start your recovery and fitness journey with us.

Exercise Physiology for disabled

The Benefits Of Exercise Physiology For People Living With A Disability

Living with a disability can be challenging, and the associated impact on physical health is often one of the most difficult things to manage. Exercise Physiology offers a range of treatments that are specifically designed to support individuals living with a disability in maintaining an active lifestyle, and promoting good health and well-being.

By combining knowledge from areas such as kinesiology, biomechanics, and physiology along with rehabilitation techniques from physical therapy, exercise physiologists provide tailored programs to enable people living with disabilities to improve their quality of life significantly.

In this blog post, we will discuss how exercise physiology provides benefits for those living with a disability.

What is Exercise Physiology and how it can help people living with a disability?

Exercise physiology is the science of physical activity and how the body responds to it. It involves the study of various physiological responses that occur in the human body during and after exercise. 

People living with disabilities can greatly benefit from exercise physiology in Gold Coast. Regular exercise is shown to significantly improve overall health, mobility, and quality of life for individuals with disabilities.

Exercise physiologists can specifically tailor exercise programs to meet the needs of each individual with a disability, providing a safe and effective approach to physical activity. 

Incorporating exercise physiology into their daily routine can lead to increased strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular fitness for people living with disabilities, ultimately contributing to improved health and well-being.

How Exercise Physiology increases mobility, muscle strength, and endurance

Exercise Physiology is a fascinating and rapidly-growing field that examines how the human body responds to physical activity. By using a combination of biology and physical science, it seeks to understand the mechanisms behind changes in mobility, muscle strength, and endurance. 

For those looking to improve their physical fitness and overcome the limitations of their disability, this knowledge is incredibly valuable. By understanding how exercise affects our bodies, we can create workout routines and training plans that are tailored to our specific needs. 

Whether we’re looking to build muscle or increase our endurance, Exercise Physiology provides us with the tools we need to achieve our goals.

The importance of maintaining a good balance for safety and independence in people with disability

Maintaining a good balance is crucial for the safety and independence of people with disabilities. Having poor balance can result in falls, leading to serious injuries and hospitalizations. 

Falls can also cause fear and anxiety, which often leads to a loss of confidence and independence. However, strengthening balance can significantly improve the quality of life for people with disabilities.

With proper training and exercises, they can regain confidence, move around with greater ease, and feel more in control of their environment. It is important to note that balance is not only important for those with physical disabilities but also for those dealing with sensory or cognitive issues. 

Overall, maintaining a good balance is key to a healthy and fulfilling life for individuals with a disability.

The role of Exercise Physiology in helping to manage chronic pain

Exercise Physiology plays a significant role in helping people with disabilities manage chronic pain. By providing tailored exercise programs that focus on strengthening and improving mobility, Exercise Physiologists can help individuals living with disability reduce their chronic pain and improve their overall quality of life. 

Through careful assessment of the individual’s physical abilities, an Exercise Physiologist can develop an appropriate program to address any specific needs or limitations.

This approach helps ensure that the exercises are safe and effective for each person while also providing them with the motivation they need to stay active and engaged in their recovery process. 

With regular exercise, those living with a disability can find relief from chronic pain as well as improved strength, flexibility, balance, endurance, and mental health.

Examples of exercises suitable for people living with a disability

Exercising can be challenging, especially if you are living with a disability. But that doesn’t mean you can’t participate in physical activities. There are plenty of exercises that are suitable for people with disabilities, ranging from seated yoga to water aerobics. 

For those who have mobility issues, chair exercises can be beneficial to help improve strength and flexibility. If you’re looking to improve cardiovascular health, you may want to consider cycling or using a hand bike. Swimming is also an excellent option, as it provides a low-impact way to exercise your entire body. 

Whatever exercise you choose, it’s essential to listen to your body and work within your limits. Remember, exercise isn’t about comparing yourself to others — it’s about doing what’s best for your body and mind.

Benefits of Exercise Physiology on mental health and Quality of Life

Exercise Physiology has been shown to have significant benefits for the mental health and overall quality of life of people with disabilities. Physical activity promotes the release of endorphins, which can boost mood and reduce stress, and social interaction that often accompanies exercise can also have a positive impact. Exercise programs can also provide a sense of community and belonging for individuals with disabilities, which can be incredibly important for their mental health.

In addition, regular exercise has been shown to improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of developing conditions such as depression and anxiety. By incorporating Exercise Physiology into their daily routine, individuals with disabilities can experience a higher level of physical and mental well-being, ultimately leading to a greater overall quality of life.

About us

If you are looking for a certified and reliable physiotherapy clinic in Nerang, you don’t need to look further than Fighting Fit Physiotherapy. We are a team of professional practitioners specialising in physiotherapy, exercise physiology, strength and conditioning physiotherapy, and more. We take pride in providing our patients with the best care to help them achieve their fitness goals. You can reach us at 0402 938 661 or fill out our contact form to know more about what we do. Book an appointment today to start your recovery and fitness journey with us.

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5 Criteria To Consider When Choosing A Physiotherapy Clinic

Successful outcomes from physiotherapy relies heavily upon finding a high-quality clinic that fully meets your complete health needs.

When you are looking it is important to consider not just the current injury, pain or condition, but the full picture of your health and wellness.

Physiotherapy is a very effective way of treating pain and injury, but providing long-term effects is about understanding and managing the persons state of health as well.

When committing yourself to treatment; it is important to consider not just the short term relief, but true success of treatment through the ability to provide long term outcomes.

With this in mind, this blog looks at some tips on how to find the right physiotherapy clinic for you through a set of five key criteria.

1. Location

When choosing a physiotherapy clinic, it’s important to consider the location. But with the recent use of telehealth and online programs, it is not a complete buzz kill anymore.

We service people across the country, in the mines and those who travel for work.

Location is an important consideration in some cases where intensive hands on treatment is required. Check the location of the clinic and make sure it’s convenient for you to access and if you are unsure, simply call and ask. The last thing you want is to spend a lot of time and effort getting to your appointments.

A well-located, but also flexible clinic can make all the difference in your recovery, allowing you to focus on getting better instead of worrying about transportation logistics.

So take the time to research and choose a clinic that’s easily accessible not just physically, but allowing access to it’s clinicians through other forms of technology too!

2. Qualifications

When selecting a physiotherapy clinic, it’s important to understand the qualifications and experience of the physiotherapists on staff. A clinic is only as good as its team, and the right physiotherapist can make all the difference in helping you achieve your goals.

At Fighting Fit Physiotherapy, we take great pride in our team of highly trained and experienced physiotherapists who have successfully helped thousands of people ease their pain, regain full function and significantly improve their health through our techniques.

All of our therapists have special interests in musculoskeletal physiotherapy which includes treating a range of issues related to pain, injury, human movement and function.

Not all physiotherapists are the same, or treat the same way to solve your problem. Therefore it is important a clinic has a diverse range of therapists to suit the patients. Each of our professionals are AHPRA registered, APA endorsed and regularly undertake ongoing education and training to stay up-to-date with the latest techniques and research.

You can trust that you are in good hands with our team, and can expect personalised care that is tailored to your individual needs.

3. Facilities

When seeking treatment at a physiotherapy clinic, it’s important to ensure that the facility has all the necessary equipment and amenities to support your rehabilitation journey.

From state-of-the-art equipment to spacious treatment rooms, a well-equipped physiotherapy clinic can positively impact the success of your recovery. These days, a table some bands and simple exercise doesn’t cut it! A modern, progressive clinic will have private rooms, technology to test, measure and monitor outcomes, gym equipment to increase your long term function and provide a long term fix for your over all health!

Look for clinics that prioritise the latest advancements in treatment, technology and equipment, along with providing a comfortable and inviting atmosphere that promotes healing and health.

With the right facilities and attentive care, you’ll be on your way to feeling your best self in no time.

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4. Services

When it comes to physiotherapy, it’s important to know what services are available to help you achieve your complete health goals and needs. You must check beforehand that the clinic you are choosing specialises in the treatment you are looking for.

These may include massage and manual therapy, custom exercise programs, diet and lifestyle programs, exercise physiology, women health or mens health, vestibular physiotherapy, headache or chronic pain management and lots more.

With the help of a professional physiotherapy clinic, you can work towards reducing pain, restoring function and preventing further pain, injury or recurrence.

Whether you’re recovering from an injury or looking to optimise your health or boost your athletic performance, a great physiotherapy clinic can offer you the necessary tools to achieve your goals.

5. Cost

A lot of people shop around for a physiotherapy clinic based on the cost of session and over look the more important things.

Cheap doesn’t provide results!

For your health and wellness, it is important to look at the amount you spend as an investment and that the investment you make with your hard-earned money pays off.

Finding a provider that can show you what your problem is, set a plan to achieve your desired outcome and map out a path to success will allow you to understand what you need to budget for.

What is truly costly is when you don’t achieve outcomes in an appropriate time frame or  your not informed from the start about what is involved in achieving a successful outcome.

At our physiotherapy clinic, we understand the importance of ensuring that our patients receive the care they need without breaking the bank or wasting money on useless treatments that won’t deliver success!

Our team of professional and experienced physiotherapists utilises evidence-based techniques as well as the collective experience of the team to help our patients recover from injuries, manage chronic pain, and improve their overall health and well-being.

Don’t let finances hold you back or be there determining factor from seeking the care you deserve. We encourage our patients to check with their insurance provider or GP for medicare rebate for physiotherapy to see if our treatments are covered. If in doubt, call us.

Finding the right physiotherapy clinic can feel like a daunting task, but it does not have to be.

By keeping in mind the five criteria to consider when choosing a physiotherapy clinic, you can easily decide which clinic best fits your needs. The decision should ultimately come down to how comfortable and relaxed you feel in the environment of the clinic and its staff.

So go on, make the right choice today!

About us

If you are looking for a quality and reliable physiotherapy clinic in Nerang, you don’t need to look further than Fighting Fit Physiotherapy. We are a team of professional practitioners specialising in DVA physiotherapy, exercise physiology, strength and conditioning physiotherapy and more.

We take pride in providing our patients with the best care to help them achieve their health and fitness goals. You can reach us at 0402 938 661 or fill out our contact form to know more about what we do.

If you are looking for one of the best gyms in Nerang Gold Coast, Book an appointment today to start your journey with us.