Fighting Fit Physiotherapy Nerang Gold Coast

How to Assess for a Concussion: Doing it right!

Dont f*ck with a head knock.. Part 2!

Concussions Part 2

Following from my first blog, we’re now going to explore how we assess and test concussion here at Fighting Fit Physiotherapy.

Signs and Symptoms of Concussion 

If you remember from the last blog (LINK), concussion can present in a variety of ways, with both immediate onset or delayed symptoms. 

These can include:

  • headaches – ongoing or episodic 
  • dizziness – feeling a bit off kilter
  • balance and coordination problems – issues reaction time, hand eye or eye foot
  • visual disturbances – blurred vision 
  • mental fog – just not right or difficulty with concentration during tasks
  • cognitive impairments – slowed speech or word finding difficulties
  • Mood disorder – low mood, irritability or unwarranted frustration and anger
  • Sleep disturbance – difficulty getting to or staying asleep

Immediate assessment (on field)


Immediate aid for any athlete suspected of a concussion is to remove the player from the field of play (if safe to do so) and carry out an assessment.


We must always be aware of signs or situations relating to a more serious head injury:

  • Did the head make contact with a hard surface or body part (such as the knee)
  • Do symptoms worsen over a short period of time, e.g. nausea or headaches.
  • Have they lost consciousness immediately after the impact 
  • Have they have fallen unconscious since the incident
  • Did the patient has a seizure or fit
  • Is there bleeding or fluid leaking from the nose or ear 


The SCAT6 Concussion Assessment tool can be utilised by trained professionals and some first aiders to assist in identifying post incident red flags 🚩, signs and symptoms ⚠️, immediate memory and cervical spine assessment. If possible, get one or find it HERE 


Although it may not be possible to carry out an on field assessment at the time due to numerous constraints. If this is the case, ensure you book to see us HERE so we can perform one ASAP.

SCAT6 Tool Example

In Clinic Assessment:


When a patient presents to us In clinic post-concussion event it’s very important the assessment is compressive due to the nature of concussion and the varying effects it can have.


Let’s break this down for you!

Subjective testing

The subjective assessment will dive into the history and mechanism of the concussion (how it happened) any loss of consciousness and any ongoing symptoms including:

  • Pain, headaches, concentration difficulty or fogginess 
  • Behavioural and emotional changes such as irritability
  • Cognitive changes such as slowed reaction
  • Sleep/wake disturbance and quality of sleep
  • Balance and walking symptoms
  • Including any other injured areas (neck or shoulder)


Objective testing

We then investigate the physicalised testing of the patient to assess for any immediate deficits including:

  • Neck and head examination for range of motion, strength, and muscular palpation
  • Assessment of shoulder and upper back 
  • Balance & coordination testing
  • Vestibular (inner ear balance organ) testing
  • Oculomotor (eye movement) assessment
  • Neurocognitive testing 
    • Attention span
    • Working memory
    • Visual and verbal memory
    • Attention span
    • Nonverbal problem solving
    • Brain’s processing speed
    • Reaction time testing

As there can be many effects post concussion, the objective assessment is guided by symptoms and the information gained from during the assessment process, this ensures it is tailored and specific to the patients presentation and needs.

Levi Concussion Testing

Specific Concussion Testing

Our athletes take a neurocognitive test at the start of their sports season. This provides baseline data about their normal brain function. If and when they sustain a head injury, we can re-assess and compare the results to their baseline test.

The results taken after a head injury are used to inform the severity of the concussion, the impairments and treatment required to deliver a great result. 

However, if we don’t have baseline information. We can compare post injury test scores to a database of average scores for others in the same age range. This will direct us in making the best decisions for.


Fitness Testing for Concussion

The Buffalo Concussion Treadmill Test is a standardised test used to assess an individual’s ability to tolerate physical activity after a concussion. It is also used to determine an individual’s post-concussion fitness level and make recommendations for returning to play, work, or school.

The treadmill test assesses a patient’s response to physical exertion following a head injury to establish the health and function of their nervous system. 

Early submaximal exercise in concussion can be very beneficial to decreasing recovery times in anyone who suffers from a concussion. So This test can be very informative and beneficial towards recovery as it will inform us of the level of intensity we can push to for training and determine readiness for return to play following concussion.



Remember, concussion symptoms vary depending on the severity and location of the injury.


It’s not only important to have a trained and experienced health professional, but someone with a special interest in concussion to assess any concussion injury as many concussions do go missed, mismanaged and poorly treated when not!


If you or someone you know has experienced a concussion, you can reach out to us here for any questions or to book in for an assessment! 


Kyle Wells is a Physiotherapist at Fighting Fit Physio.

He has a special interest in arthritis, neck pain and tendinopathy. Just to name a few.

Kyle loves cross fit and has an exceptional eye for technique and performing exercise correctly.

He use exercise to improve patient results and get them moving better for the long term.

Managing Shin Splints!

Have you ever had painful shin splints? Well, listen up - because it can be managed...

Managing Shin Splints

Have you ramped up your running and started to experience pain in one or both of your shins?

Or have you just started back preseason training in your respective sport and started to experience the same thing?

Then chances are this blog is for you so keep on reading!


In this blog we are going to discuss ‘shin splints’ or what we as physio’s call Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS).

Now, before we dive in to how we manage this injury, let’s discuss what it is and how it comes about.

  • MTSS is a common condition that affects a variety of people including athletes, runners and high impact sports participants.


  • It is characterised by pain along the shinbone (tibia), typically on the inner edge. MTSS can be debilitating if left untreated, hindering sports performance and daily activities.

MTSS occurs due to repetitive stress on the shinbone and the connective tissues that attach the muscles to the bone. 

The condition is often caused by overuse, improper biomechanics, or sudden changes in activity levels.

Common risk factors include:

  • running on hard surfaces
  • rapid increase in training volumes or intensities
  • and muscle imbalances from the trunk all the way down to the lower limbs, including the feet!

Symptoms of shin splints usually manifest as a dull, aching pain along the inner part of the shin. 

The pain may worsen during physical activity and subside with rest. In severe cases, swelling, tenderness, or small bumps may be present.

It is crucial to seek medical attention if the pain persists or escalates.

Shin Splints Xray

How do I manage shin splints?

Great question! The number 1 thing you need to do is de-load the bone!

For a lot of people and athletes in particular this is a hard pill to swallow. However, without de-loading from training there is no chance for the area to heal and symptoms to settle.

“De-loading doesn’t have to mean complete rest from activity!” 

Depending on how far progressed your injury is, the de-load phase can range from:

  • taping techniques
  • a slight reduction in load
  • a modification to training to a complete removal from aggravating activity. 

If you stop you decondition, it is our job to keep you fit while also fixing your shin splints!
Here at Fighting Fit Physiotherapy our goal is to keep you as active as possible while continuing to manage your injury. 

During the de-load phase we can address all the other causative factors and problems further up or down the chain that need to be addressed. 

Typically, strengthening exercises for your ankle, calf, knee hip and core muscles will be targeted to correct the imbalances.

Banded Foot Walk

Every presentation of MTSS is different.


We use a wide range of testing technology to assess, locate and target these imbalances specifically. This takes the guesswork out of it and saves you time and money on wasted or failed treatment!


“Once pain is gone the work is not over!”


A common mistake by runners is to think – “once pain is gone I can just get back to it”. As a result, they do too much, too soon and the pain returns.


If this happens, the process will be extended and symptoms will take even longer to settle this time. 


It is important, that once pain and symptoms are eased. A gradual return to training must be followed. 


Each week, the load will continue to increase, symptoms are monitored and exercise progressed until the person is back to their full potential and performing at 100%. If not higher when done really well!

“Don’t stop your exercises or gym work when returning to running following shin splints!”

Force Decks and Shin Splints

What’s helped you over come your issue, needs to become part of your routine to keep you running long term.
If you put in a lot of effort to over come it, make sure you maintain it. A maintenance running program is ideal!


Take action now and don’t let your shins bring you down with unbearable pain! 


Don’t wait for the agony to strike before taking charge. Book a consult with our Physiotherapists who will conduct a comprehensive assessment to nip the shin pain in the bud. 


Embrace the cutting-edge techniques and advanced tools offered by our phenomenal team at Fighting Fit Physiotherapy. Witness the power of technology as we delve deep into the strength of each muscle, unleashing their full potential. 

With our tailored exercises, meticulously designed to target and strengthen those areas, you’ll break free from the never-ending cycle of pain and dysfunction and find the ultimate relief you’ve been longing for!

See you in the clinic.